Alphabetical list of UNIL Institutes and Departments

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Departments A to B Building
Academics FBM BU21
Accounting and Control (Department of) Anthropole
Actuarial Science (Department of) Externef
Addicition Medicine Unit BU23
Admissions Unit Unicentre
Adolescent Health Sudies (Multidisciplinary Division of) NESTLE
Adult Education UNIL-EPFL (Centre for) Unithèque
Alumni Office Unicentre
Anatomy and Morpholgy (Faculty Unit) BU09
Anaesthesiology Unit CHUV
Analgesia Unit CHUV
Andrology and Biology of Reproduction (Labratory for) MAT
Angiology Unit CHUV
Antibiotics Preservation (Objective) MP16
Anti-Doping sciences (REDs - Centre of Research and Expertise in) Géopolis
Archeology and Classical Studies (Institute) Anthropole
Applied Economics - CREA (Institute of) Internef
Art (Swiss Institute for the Study of) Anthropole
Art History (Department of) Anthropole
Arts (Deanship of the Faculty of) Anthropole
Arts (Faculty of) Anthropole
Autism (Cantonal Centre) Beaumont
Behavioral experiments - LABEX (Laboratory for) Internef
Benjamin Constant (Institute) Anthropole
Biblical Studies (Swiss-French Institute of) Anthropole
BioInformatics Competence Centre Génopode
Bioinformatics SIB (Swiss Institute of) Amphipôle
Biology and Medicine (Deanship of the Faculty of) BU21
Biology and Medicine (Faculty of) BU21
Biology (School of) Amphipôle
Biomedical Imaging (Centre for)  
Biomedical Sciences (Department of) BU07
Biostatistics Consultation Unit BU44
Biomotion Lab (Swiss) ORTHO
Biostatistics Platform Génopode
Brain and Cognitive Development (Laboratory of) Géopolis
Brain Electrophysiology Attention Movement (Laboratory) Géopolis
Biostatistics PlatformBreast (Centre for) MAT
Bones Diseases (Interdisciplinary Centre for) CHUV
Buildings and Supply Unit - Unibat FM
Burns (Franco-Swiss Unit) CHUV
Business and Economics (Deanship of the Faculty of) Internef
Business and Economics (Faculty of) Internef
Business and Tax Law (Department of) Anthropole
Business Law (Centre for) Internef


Departments C to D Building
Cancer Centre Léman (Swiss)  
Cancer Research - (ISREC Foundation) Agora
Cancer Research (Ludwig) Agora
Capitalism, Culture & Societies (Laboratory) Géopolis
Cardiology Unit CHUV
Cardiovascular Assessment Facility/Experimental Microsurgery Facility (CAF/EMIF) BU27
CardioVascular Magnetic Resonance (Research Centre)  
Cardiovascular Surgery Unit CHUV
Cellular Imaging Facility BU09
Child Abuse (Centre of research into) Géopolis
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Research Unit for)  
Children's Hospital  
China Economics and Finance Centre Internef
Cinespace - Multimedia Reference Library Unithèque
Claude Verdan Foundation / Museum of the Hand BU21
CLIMACT - Climate Impact and Action (Centre for) Vortex
Clinical Chemistry Unit CHUV
Clinical Ethics Unit BU21
Clinical Neurosciences (Department of) BU21
Clinical Nutrition Unit CHUV
Clinical Pharmacology Unit BU17
Clinical Research (Centre for) BU19
Clinical Sciences - CHUV (Section of) BU21
Clinical Sciences - Unisanté (Section des) BU21
Cognitive and Affective Regulation (Laboratory) Géopolis
Colaus-PsyColaus (Study) BU19
ColLaboratory - Participatory, collaboratory and action-research Unit Amphipôle
Communication and Audiovisual Creations Unit BU21
Communication and Audiovisual Unit - Unicom Amphimax
Community Psychiatry Unit  
Comparative and Private International Law (Chair of) Internef
Comparative, European and International Law (Centre of) Internef
Comparative Law (Swiss Institute of) ISDC
Complaints and Mediation Office Amphipôle
Computational Biology BU27
Computional Biology (Department of) Génopode
Computer Studies and Information Technology (Centre for) Amphimax
Criminal Law (Centre of) Internef
Conservation Biology (Laboratory of) Biophore
Criminal Justice (School of) Batochime
Cultural and Social Anthropology (Laboratory of) Géopolis
Culture and Scientific Outreach Unit Amphipôle
Dermatology and Venereology Unit Beaumont
Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Radiology Unit CHUV
Doctoral School of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine Amphipôle
Doctoral School of the Faculty of Business and Economics Anthropole
Doctoral School Postgraduate Studies in Medicine BU21
Documentation and Financial Initation (Centre for) Internef
Doping Analyses (Swiss Laboratory for)  


Departments E to G Building
Earth Sciences UNIL-Unige (Joint Geneva and Lausanne School) Géopolis
Earth Sciences (Institute of) Géopolis
Earth Surface Dynamics (Institute of) Géopolis
Ecology and Evolution (Department of) Biophore
Economics (Department of) Internef
Education and Research (CHUV Department) BU21
Education (Centre for)    
Education (Observatory for) Géopolis
Elections and Political Citizenship (Research Group on) Géopolis
Electronic Microscopy Facility (EMF) Biophore
Elites (Observatory for Swiss) Géopolis
Emergencies Unit CHUV
Endocrinology, Diabetology and Metabolism Unit  
Endoscopy (Centre for) CHUV
English Department Anthropole
ENT and Neck-facial Surgery (Department of) CHUV
Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Hub)  
Epidemiology and Health Systems (Department of) BU44
Equal Opportunities Office Vieux Pressoir
Ethics for the Research on Human Beings (Cantonal commission for)  
Ethics Research (Interdisciplinary Centre for) Anthropole
Euresearch Lausanne UNIL  
European Law (Chair of) Internef
Events (Reception Desk) Amphimax
Excessive Gaming (Centre of) BU23
Family and Development (Research Centre) Géopolis
Family Medicine - Unisanté (Department of)  
Fertility Medicine and Gynaecological Endocrinology MAT
Film History and Aesthetics (Department of) Anthropole
Film Studies (Centre for) Anthropole
Finance (Departement of) Extranef
Financial Unit Unithèque
Flow Cytometry Facility (FCF) Leucine
Forensic Genetic Unit  
Forensic Imaging and Anthropology (Unit of)  
Forensic Medecine Unit  
French as a Foreign Language (School of) Anthropole
French Department Anthropole
Fundamental Microbiology (Department of) Biophore
Fundamental Neurosciences (Department of) BU09
Fundamental Oncology (Department of) Leucine
Fundamental Sciences (Section of) BU21
Future Lab Extranef
Gastroenterology and Hepatology Unit CHUV
Gender Studies (Interfaculty Facility for) Géopolis
Gender Studies (Centre for) Géopolis
General Psychiatry Unit CERY
Genomic Biobank BU21
Genomics (CIG - Centre for Integrative) Génopode
Genomic Technologies Facility (Platform GTF - Lausanne) Génopode
Geography and Sustainability (Institute of) Géopolis
Geology Museum Anthropole
Geoscience and Environment (Deanship of the Faculty of) Géopolis
Geosciences and Environment (Faculty of) Géopolis
Geriatric Palliative Care Chair NESTLE
Geriatrics and Geriatric Rehabilitation Unit MP16
German Department Anthropole
German Law (Chair of) Internef
Governance and Public Policy in Europe (Research centre for the Analysis of) Géopolis
Graduate Campus (Functional Unit of) Unicentre
Guidance and Careers Office Unicentre
Gynecological Tumours Centre CHUV


Departments H to L Building
Haematology Unit and Main Laboratory of CHUV
Health Centre UNIL-Dorigny Anthropole
Health Economics and Management (Platform) Internef
Health Law, Ethics and Humanitarian Medicine Unit  
Health Sciences University (HESAV)  
Heart-Vessels (Departement of) CHUV
Historical Sciences about Culture (Centre for) Anthropole
History and Anthropology of Religions (Institute of) Anthropole
History and Sciences of Religions (Commission for Education of) Anthropole
History and Sciences of Religions (Interdisciplinary Centre of) Anthropole
History Department Anthropole
History (Interfaculty Department of) Anthropole
Human Resources Unit CD
Hygiene, infection prevention and control CHUV
Imaging (Dubochet Center for) Cubotron
Imaging Facility In Vivo CLE
Immunity and Infection Lausanne (Centre for) CLE
Immunobiology (Department of) CLE
Immunology and Allergy Unit CHUV
Infectious Diseases Unit CHUV
Information Ressources and Archives Unit- Uniris Unicentre
Information Systems and Statistics Unit - Unisis Unicentre
Information Systems (Department of) Internef
Insurance and Labour Law (Institute of) Internef
Intensive Adult Medicine Unit CHUV
Interdisciplinary Centres (Department of) BU21
Interdisciplinary Doctoral Education (Centre for) Anthropole
Internal Medicine Unit CHUV
International History and Political Studies of Globalization (Centre of) Géopolis
International Relations CD
Italian Department Anthropole
Jean Monnet Foundation and Research Centre for European Studies FD
Jewish studies (Interdisciplinary Centre of) Anthropole
Laboratory and Pathology Medicine (Department of) CHUV
Language and Information Sciences (Department of) Anthropole
Language Centre Anthropole
Law, Criminal Justice and Public Administration (Deanship of the Faculty of) Internef
Law, Criminal Justice and Public Administration (Faculty of) Internef
Law (School of) Internef
Le FIL - intensive French courses Anthropole
Legal Medicine (University Centre of)  
Legal Unit Unicentre
Legal Psychiatry Unit  
Liaison Psychiatry Unit Beaumont
Library Edouard Fleuret EF
Library (Law and Economics) Internef
Library of the Institute for Humanities in Medicine  
Library (University and Cantonal) Unithèque
Library (University Medicine) Falaises 2
Life Course and Inequality (Research Centre) Géopolis
Life Course and Vulnerability - LIVES-UNIL (Interdisciplinary Research Centre in) Géopolis
Life Course Research - LIVES (Swiss Centre of expertise in) Géopolis
Linguistics and the Science of Language (Centre for) Anthropole
Literary Translation (Centre for) Anthropole
Literature (Interdisciplinary Centre for for the Study of) Anthropole
Locomotor System (Department of) BU21


Departments O to Q Building
Occupational Health - Unisanté (Research group in) BU44
Oncogenomics Laboratory CHUV
Oncology (Interdisciplinary Centres for) CHUV
Oncology (Department of) CHUV
Operations (Department of) Anthropole
Ophthalmology Hospital Jules Gonin OPHTA
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Unit BU44
Organizational Behavior (Department of) Internef
Organ transplantation (Centre for) CHUV
Orthopaedics and Trauma Unit ORTHO
Palliative Care Unit Beaumont
Pathology (University Institute of) BU25
Pharmacy Unit CHUV
Philosophy (Department of) Plant Molecular Biology (Department of) Biophore
Plastic and Hand Surgery Unit CHUV
Polyclinics - Unisanté (Departement of) BU44
Political Action (Research Centre for) Géopolis
Political Studies (Institute of) Géopolis
Positive Futures (Swiss Centre for) Extranef
Practical Theology (Lemanic Institute of) Anthropole
Precision Medicine Unit  
Precious Collections Unithèque
Preventive Hospital Medicine Unit CHUV
Private Law (Centre for) Internef
Prostate (Centre for) CHUV
Protein Analysis Facility (Platform PAF) Génopode
Protein Modeling Facility (Platform PMF) Génopode
Psychiatry and Legal Psychology (Research Unit) CERY
Psychiatry (Centre for Expert Evaluation in) CERY
Psychiatric Epidemiology and Psychopathology (Centre for) CERY
Psychiatric Neurosciences (Centre for) CERY
Psychiatry (Departement of) CERY
Psychiatry of Advanced Age (University Unit for) CERY
Psychology (Consultations in) Gare 1
Psychology (Institute of) Géopolis
Psychology and Career Counseling (Research Centre in vocational) Géopolis
Psychology of Health, Aging and Sport Examination (Research Centre for) Géopolis
Psychology of Intra- and Inter-Subjective Dynamics (Research Laboratory of) Géopolis
Psychotherapy (University Institute of) CERY
Public Administration (Swiss Graduate School of) IDHEAP
Public Health Information Unit - Unisanté  
Public International Law (Chair of) Internef
Public Law (Centre for) Internef
Quality Unit Unicentre


Departments R to Z Building
Radiation Oncology Unit CHUV
Radiation Physics (Institute of) IRA
Recovery after surgery (ERAS - Centre of Excellence of Enhanced ) CHUV
Rectorate of the UNIL Unicentre
Regenerative Therapy (Unit of) CHUV
Religions in Switzerland (Observatory for) Anthropole
Religions (Institute of Social Sciences of) Anthropole
Research Groups - Unisanté BU44
Research Unit Unicentre
Respiratory Medicine Unit CHUV
RESAL - Lemanic Animal Facility Network CLE
Rheumatology Unit (Laboratory of) CLE
Rheumatology Unit ORTHO
Risk Management (Centre for) Internef
Sarcoma Centre CHUV
School for the Postgraduate Studies in Medicine BU21
Sciences and Technologies Studies (Laboratory) Géopolis
Science, Politics and Society (Research institute) Géopolis
Sciences (College for) Amphipôle
Security, Environment, Prevention Unit - Unisep Mouline Annex
Septic Surgery (Centre for) CHUV
Sleep (Centre of Investigation and Research in) CHUV
Social Affairs and Student Mobility Unit Unicentre
Social and Economic Policy in Switzerland (Life Documentation Centre) Géopolis
Social and Political Sciences (Deanship of the Faculty of) Géopolis
Social and Political Science (Faculty of) Géopolis
Social Psychology (Laboratory of) Géopolis
Social Sciences (Commission for) CERY
Social Sciences (Developments in Research and Methods of the) Géopolis
Social Sciences (FORS - Swiss Foundation for Research in) Géopolis
Social Sciences (Institute of) Géopolis
Social Theory, Critical Inquiry, Collective Action (THEMA Laboratory) Géopolis
South Asian and Slavonic Languages and Cultures (Department of) Anthropole
Spanish Department Anthropole
Spatial Ecology Group - Ecospat Biophore
Sports and Health (UNIL-EPFL Centre) CSS
Sport and Olympic (Studies Centre for Global) Géopolis
Sports Medicine (Centre of) ORTHO
Sports Research (Interdisciplinary Centre for) Géopolis
Sports Studies of the University of Lausanne (Institute of) Synathlon
Surgery (Department of) CHUV
Statistical Consultation Unit Géopolis
Strategy, Globalization and Society (Department of) Internef
Studies Journal of the Faculty of Arts Anthropole
Sustainability (Competence Centre in) Unicentre
Swiss Francophone Literature (Centre for) Géopolis
Taphonomy (Swiss Human Institute of Forensic)  
Tax Policy Centre Internef
Teaching Innovation Fund Unicentre
Teaching Support Unit Anthropole
Theater studies (Centre of) Anthropole
Theology and Sciences of Religions (Deanship of the Faculty of) Anthropole
Theology and Sciences of Religions (Faculty of) Anthropole
Thoracic Surgery Unit CHUV
Thoracic Tumors Centre CHUV
Toxicology and Fornesic Chemistry Unit BU21
Toxicology (Faculty Unit)  
Traffic and Psychology Medicine Unit  
Transfer of Technology and Industrial Partnership - PACTT BU21
Transfusion (Interregional Unit) Metio
Tumors - Unisanté (Vaud Registry) Proline
Unisanté - General Medicine and Public Health (University Centre of) BU44
University Chaplaincy Amphipôle
University Hospital of the Canton of Vaud - CHUV CHUV
Urban Studies and Sustainable Development (University Research Unit for) Géopolis
Urology Unit CHUV
Vaccine (Swiss Vaccine Research Institute) CHUV
Vascular and Tumor Biology Laboratory CLE
Vascular Surgery Unit CHUV
Violence Medicine Unit  
Visceral Surgery Unit CHUV
Vital-IT Amphipôle
Vulnerabilities and Social Medicine (Department of) BU44
Walras-Pareto (Interdisciplinary Study Centre for Economic and Political Thought) Internef
Woman-Mother-Child (Department) BU21
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